At The Blue Door Nursery we encourage healthy eating. Our menus reflect this policy and we offer home cooked style foods.

Mid-morning we all break for a drink of fruit juice and a snack, which includes fresh fruit, dried fruit, breadsticks, and crackers.

A sample lunch menu is provided. If your child requires a special diet we are happy to discuss this with you and we will do everything we can to accommodate your requirements.

Tea is provided at 3.30 and will consist of, for example sandwiches, home made sausage rolls or quiche, home made cakes or biscuits.

There will be a second fruit break later in the afternoon for those children who are staying late at Nursery.

We view mealtimes as a social occasion and encourage children to participate in laying the tables and to begin to be able to serve themselves and their friends.

Staff will be with the children and will encourage conversation at the tables and will demonstrate appropriate table manners for the children to learn.

Sample Menu >

Roleplay  refreshments - as part of our topic on 'The Circus' the youngest children painted a huge box and the older children turned it into a refreshment stand offering refreshments when the clown was performing
Minibeasts topic - the nursery covers a wide range of topics throughout the year covering a range of curriculum areas.  all topics involve walks and visits, exploration and learning though play.
Reading the paper in bed - roleplay is an important part of the learning process