If your child has a temperature, is suffering from sickness or diarrhoea, or is obviously unwell, please do not bring then into the Nursery until they are noticeably better again. Children should not return within 24 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.

A child with a slight cold, who seems happy and is not running a high temperature, may come to the Nursery. At any sign of more serious illness (coughing or sore throats, for example) he or she must be withdrawn immediately to safeguard his/her own health and that of the other children and staff.

Medical Treatment:
Please advise your child's key worker if your child is receiving medical attention, has recently been immunised, or suffers from any allergies. If your child requires medicine during the day we are only able to administer prescribed medicine that is provide in the original packaging (i.e. with the dosage instructions and the name of the child). You will be asked to fill in a medication form, which will be signed by two staff members each time the medicine is administered.

If your child is unwell and not able to attend the Nursery please phone the Nursery on 01323 491821.

We have an Accident Report Book for accidents that occur at the Nursery which parents will be asked to sign following discussion of the incident with staff. If children come in with injuries parents will be asked to sign the Accident Book on reporting it to staff.

If you child becomes ill whilst in our care, every effort will be made to contact you.
The Nursery Manager reserves the right to remove your child to hospital if senior staff consider it necessary.

Roleplay  refreshments - as part of our topic on 'The Circus' the youngest children painted a huge box and the older children turned it into a refreshment stand offering refreshments when the clown was performing
Minibeasts topic - the nursery covers a wide range of topics throughout the year covering a range of curriculum areas.  all topics involve walks and visits, exploration and learning though play.
Reading the paper in bed - roleplay is an important part of the learning process