Before your child starts we will use a variety of methods to provide you and your child with information about The Blue Door Nursery including written information, displays and photographs to browse through, individual meetings and visits.

When a child starts to attend we work with their parents to decide on the best way to help the child settle into The Blue Door Nursery.

We allocate a key worker to each child and their family before they start to attend. This person looks after your child and yourselves at the child's first session. We use pre-start visits and the first session to explain and complete registration records.

When your child starts at The Blue Door Nursery please ensure that they have the following items which will be needed on a daily basis:

> An outdoor coat
> Some Wellington Boots (Weather depending)
> A complete change of clothes
> A sunhat or warm hat (Weather depending)

Please ensure that all items are clearly named! Please put all the items (except coat) in a named, drawstring bag that can be hung on a peg.

We do not allow children to wear jewellery at the Nursery, nor to bring money or valuable items. On occasion children want to bring a toy from home - we do not encourage this, as we cannot guarantee its safety. If your child does bring something we will do our best to keep it out of harms way but we cannot promise that it will survive a day at Nursery!