Day Main Course Dessert
Monday Pasta bolognaise with turkey mince Sponge pudding
  [vegi-mince] & custard
Tuesday Homemade chicken nuggets, potatoes, Yoghurt
  choice of vegetables  
  [Cheese & potato cakes with vegetables]  
Wednesday Fish fingers, mash potatoes &
baked beans
Rice pudding
  [Vegetable nuggets with mash potato &  
  baked beans]  
Thursday Home-made burgers & chips Milk shake
Friday Sausages, potatoes,
choice of vegetables

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Roleplay  refreshments - as part of our topic on 'The Circus' the youngest children painted a huge box and the older children turned it into a refreshment stand offering refreshments when the clown was performing
Minibeasts topic - the nursery covers a wide range of topics throughout the year covering a range of curriculum areas.  all topics involve walks and visits, exploration and learning though play.
Reading the paper in bed - roleplay is an important part of the learning process